Get Your Content Strategy

Who Needs a Content Strategy?

Businesses struggling with the following issues:

  • You’ve created blog posts, but they’re not ranking well in search engines, and you’re unsure why they’re underperforming
  • Your website is generating traffic, but visitors aren’t converting into sales or customers
  • You lack a structured conversion funnel to guide visitors through the buyer’s journey and turn them into paying customers
  • You recognize the importance of publishing content regularly, but you don’t have a plan or system in place to consistently create and distribute it.

How Can Having a Content Strategy Help?

A well-defined content strategy can address these challenges by aligning your content efforts with specific business objectives. It provides a roadmap for creating engaging, optimized content that attracts the right visitors, nurtures them through the sales cycle, and ultimately drives conversions and revenue.

In a nutshell, the goal of implementing a content strategy is to get more traffic and better sales.

Okay, What Does Content Strategy Involve?

It involves a content audit (step 1) and the creation of a content strategy (step 2).

Content audit includes: 

  • Identifying current content marketing efforts (blogs, articles, etc.) and evaluating their effectiveness
  • Whether your existing content is successfully generating leads and driving sales
  • Which aspects of your content marketing are performing well and which areas need improvement

Content strategy includes: 

  • Keyword strategy that identifies and targets the most relevant and high-impact keywords that will draw traffic to your website 
  • Content development strategy focused on creating engaging, customer-centric pieces that resonate with your target audiences and address their interests, pain points, and needs 
  • Conversion strategy on how to optimize content to effectively convert readers into customers 

My Offerings

Free Content Audit✨ 

Paid Content Strategy Ideas✨ 

I’ll do a FREE content audit and offer a finished report which will help you learn where you can make minor changes or additions to your existing content to drive more sales.

If you like the audit, I will proceed to create a content strategy.

PRICE: $499

The content Strategy Plan includes:

🚀 Research for the right target keywords

🚀 Creating content clusters  

🚀 Planning on how to create content that your readers want to read 

🚀 Planning on how to create content that boosts sales

IMPORTANT: You can implement the content strategy and the changes or additions suggested in the audit by yourself or you can hire me to do it for you. My content writing rates are separate. 

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